You might have heard of Invisalign: the first and original clear, plastic aligners. Invisalign has been around for over 20 years and transformed over 13 million smiles. However, you may not know that Invisalign can fit into your lifestyle and may be suitable for the aesthetic goals you have for your smile. Read on to learn about Invisalign’s inception, and a number of benefits compared to old-fashioned metal braces.
1. One Of The Inventors Of Invisalign Had Metal Braces
You may have believed that a dentist invented clear aligners, but did you know that Align Technologies, the company that makes Invisalign, was founded by Stanford students? Pakistani-American Zia Chishti was a major in Computer Science and Economics and attended Stanford to get his MBA. Chishti had traditional metal braces, followed by a retainer. It was in using his retainer that he wondered about an alternate, yet-to-be-developed alignment treatment that had the added benefit of being removable. Chishti would work on his idea in his dorm room with his fellow students and partnered with Kelsey Wirth in 1997 to seek developers. The rest–and Invisalign’s success–is history.
2. You Can Eat And Drink Whatever You Want–Unlike With Traditional Metal Braces
The very nature of Invisalign as removable is not only a feature but a benefit. You may not know this, but once you commit to traditional metal braces, there are several things you can no longer eat or drink as often as you’d like. Metal braces are susceptible to damage–this means more dentist’s office visits–and maybe even the risk of hurting yourself. With traditional metal brackets and arch wires, you’ll have to avoid crunchy foods and sticky foods. This includes bubble gum, hard candy, lollipops, nuts, popcorn, potato chips, apples, meat jerky, pizza crust, and corn-on-the-cob. You’ll also be advised to avoid sugary beverages, such as sodas, fruit drinks, and sports drinks. If you get lighter-colored elastics, they are susceptible to getting stained when drinking coffee or red wine or enjoying berries or curry. With Invisalign, you remove your aligners to eat, so there are no limitations.
3. With Invisalign, You Get Customized 3D Printed Technologies And Cutting-Edge, Patented Materials
Metal braces as we know them have been around since the 1970s. However, with Invisalign, you get convenience and sophisticated technology. With Invisalign technology, we 3D-print custom aligners that fit perfectly onto your teeth, using a patented plastic that is BPA- and latex-free.
4. You Can Watch The Progress Of Your Smile–And In Less Time
You may not have realized this, but you can see your smile journey much more clearly when they’re not hidden behind metal brackets and wire, but with transparent Invisalign. Invisalign can make a difference in just 12- to 18 months–nearly half the speed of metal braces.
5. Many Celebrities Are Fans Of Invisalign, Too
Invisalign is the perfect choice for a celebrity since they are virtually invisible. Celebrities that have smiles enhanced by Invisalign aligners include Oprah Winfrey, Serena Williams, Tom Cruise, Justin Beiber, Eva Longoria, Zac Efron, and Kourtney Kardashian.
Am I A Good Candidate For Invisalign?
If you live in Garden City, Richmond Hill, or the surrounding Savannah suburbs of Georgia, and are wondering if Invisalign can be a good fit for your dental needs and aesthetic goals, consider the orthodontic experts at Medical Arts Dentistry. Call today to schedule a preliminary consultation!